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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
reykþurrkað tóbak
flue-cured tobacco
tabacché à l´air chaud
heissluftgetrockneter Tabak
[is] Reykþurrkað tóbak af Virginíu-tegund og ljóst, vindþurrkað tóbak af Burley-tegund (þ.m.t. blendingar), ljóst vindþurrkað tóbak af Maryland-tegund og eldverkað tóbak

[en] Flue-cured Virginia type and light air-cured Burley type tobacco (including Burley hybrids); light air-cured Maryland type and fire-cured tobacco

[en] cured with heat transmitted through a flue without exposure to smoke or fumes (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flue-cured)

[is] Ákvörðun ráðsins frá 27. febrúar 2006 um afstöðu Bandalagsins innan samstarfsráðs ESB og Síle um breytingu á I. viðauka við samning um að koma á samstarfi milli Evrópubandalagsins og aðildarríkja þess, annars vegar, og Lýðveldisins Síle, hins vegar, um að taka tillit til sameiningarinnar sem felst í tollaívilnunum sem Síle eru veitt með almenna tollaívilnanakerfinu í Bandalaginu (GSP)

[en] Council Decision of 27 February 2006 on a Community position within the EU-Chile Association Council on the amendment of Annex I to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part, to take into account the consolidation of the tariff preferences granted to Chile by the Community scheme of generalised tariff preferences (GSP)

Skjal nr.
[is] Ath. að tóbakið kemst ekki í snertingu við reykinn sjálfan. Þýðingin ,heitþurrkaður´ kæmi einnig til greina, sbr. þýð. á þý. og fr.

[en] Flue-cured tobacco was originally strung onto tobacco sticks, which were hung from tier-poles in curing barns (Aus: kilns), also traditionally called oasts. These barns have flues which run from externally fed fire boxes, heat-curing the tobacco without exposing it to smoke, slowly raising the temperature over the course of the curing. In the 1960s conversion to gas fueled systems such as the Gastobac Burner System®[5] was common. The process will generally take about a week. This method produces tobacco that is high in sugar and has medium to high levels of nicotine. The Smith Tobacco Barn is an example of a traditional, flue-cured tobacco barn.[6] Flue-cured tobacco requires an estimated one tree per 300 cigarettes.

tóbak - orðflokkur no. kyn hk.
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heitþurrkað tóbak

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